Commission on Monogenetic Volcanism (CMV)

Commission on Monogenetic Volcanism (CMV)

The IAVCEI Commission on Monogenetic Volcanism (CMV) main goal is to provide a forum for researchers to define and understand the phenomenon of small volume magmatic systems and their surface expression as volcano fields. The CMV aim is to take leading role to facilitate, coordinate and focus research and research outputs in regard to monogenetic volcanism and to assist to researchers to develop a refined and unified model of this type of volcanism.

The term monogenetic as applied to volcanic systems carries with it the concept of eruptions of batches of magma within short timescales. Monogenetic volcanism is commonly expressed as clusters of individual volcanoes forming fields of small cones which are a consequence of dispersed plumbing systems feeding discrete batches of magma to the Earth’s surface. Beyond this relatively simple concept there is a wide range of temporal, spatial and compositional variables.

Current Leadership Team:

Co-leaders: Marie Noelle Guilbaud, UNAM and Emily Johnson, USGS
Secretary: Karen Bemis
Early Career Representatives: Nanci Reyes Guzman and Gabriel Ureta
Social Media: David Arteaga
Webmaster: Alison Graettinger please email web issues to graettingera (at)

Recent and upcoming events

Speaker Series Continues online in 2024

International Monogenetic Conference November 4- November 8 2024 in San Pedro de Atacama in Northern Chile. More information available from Ckelar Instituto Milenio de Investigación en Riesgo Volcánico.

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More News

International Monogenetic Conference 2024

DEADLINE EXTENDED June 30, 2024 via email to conference email. All submission and registration information is in the Third Circular The conference website with all information about the event is here. The 1st IMC is a multidisciplinary conference on monogenetic…

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